I'm just going to upload this here but also remind people that colour and association is also a deeply personal experience and should be taken into account when deciding on colour for the work, even if they tell you that certain Gods or Goddesses and Spirits need certain colours, if you got a personal relationship with that Benefactor and have received Gnosis on what they like, resonate with and or you associate them with certain things then use them,
Using personally associated symbols to things will boost the power of any work much more than just going through the results said in google searches. HOWEVER.
I wish to also point out the danger to just fall into the new age movement mindset of things are the way they are because I said so and feel so, I personally detest against flimsy and airy fairy attitudes with 0 backing of any sort of evidence when doing magical work. Arrogance and Naive attitudes can get harmful results, Hundreds of times better to go by offerings that many people associate with certain spirits at the start of you developing a relationship with the Craft and or certain spirits than having pissed off somebody on the other side by them feeling you did not take the time to research, study and find the history or information about them thus feeling dishonoured. For eg. don't poor dairy milk into my coffee if I am lactose intolerant. Do some background research and understand the reason of why things are the way they are. Spiritual Science is real and the more you show an interest towards grasping it , the easier and more able you'll be with time to have justified confidence in playing around with formulas and adjustments.
Get to know your own language of symbols and that of the spirits you work with so you can be on the same page and thus co create more efficiently
